Try launching the game through its EXE instead of through Steam Get & Install the Microsoft DirectX 9.0 Runtime Make sure your GCEngine.ini exists, isn’t blank, and isn’t set to Read Only (right click the file -> properties - uncheck read-only) This game fix will only help out Windows 7 / Vista users though. Try setting the game to Windows XP compatibility mode by right clicking the EXE -> Properties -> Compatibility - and setting Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3). Keep in mind that this game requires PhysX. Also, some people seem to be getting the Windows game error “Homefront has stopped working”. Hopefully a patch will provide a game fix for this Crash to Desktop (CTD) (C2D) game problem. Your screen might flash or show a black screen, then the process / exe crashes as seen in Windows Task Manager. This seems to be a very common game problem for Homefront. Homefront Game Does Not / Fails to Launch / Open, homefront.exe Crashes at Startup With No Error, Black Screen